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Saturday, October 11, 2014

UPDATE: Progress on Blog Pack 1.7.10, News

           Hey, guys. I'm writing here to inform you guys of a few updates. I've been progressing through college nicely and it's getting close to midterms. October is also my birthday month, so I'm excited (slightly) about that. Those of you who have seen my baseball tweets might know about the Orioles in the Championship round. Yes, I'm super excited about that. As a young fan I never saw their success in the 80's, so it's thrilling to see them as far as they are.

          More importantly, I've been working on my winter blog pack and I have more or less found a concrete mod list. Now, this is very much a work-in-progress and I have not tested a lot of the mods. The next phase is preliminary testing, removing and adding mods as needed.

Here is the mod list as I have it so far:

  1. Minecraft Forge v1208. This is a downgrade from what I had, which was 1217 and 1219. I ran into several issues with the pack, which resulted in a move from MultiMC to an ATLauncher instance.
  2. bspkrsCore, required for two mods
  3. Baubles, required for Thaumcraft and two other mods
  4. CodeChickenCore, required for NEI and EnderStorage
  5. CoFH Core, required for Thermal Expansion and MineFactory Reloaded
  6. Enchiridion. I do not know what this is for. If anyone can inform me from this mod list, please do so.
  7. Mantle, required for Tinker's Construct
  8. MetallurgyCore, required for Metallurgy 4
  9. Mobius Core, required for Waila and Jabba
  10. Thermal Foundation, required for Thermal Expansion

  11. ArmorStatusHUD
  12. Damage Indicators
  13. Dynamic Lights, required for Shadow World
  14. FastCraft. This is a recent add and I have not tested a world with it. I am hoping this will provide a remedy for my computer's weak specs.
  15. Inventory Tweaks
  16. NEI
  17. NEI Plugins Unofficial
  18. NEI Addons
  19. OpenEye
  20. Opis, which includes MapWriter
  21. StatusEffectHUD
  22. TiC Plugins
  23. Waila
  24. Waila Harvestability
  25. Wawla

  26. Biomes O' Plenty
  27. AbyssalCraft
  28. Atum: Journey into the Sands
  29. Hardcore Ender Expansion. As a warning, this mod requires Java 7. If you have anything lower, the game will crash. You will have to take this out if you do not have Java 7.
  30. Lycanite's Mobs
  31. Shadow World
  32. Shadow World/Dynamic Lights Plugin
  33. Special Mobs
  34. The Mists of RioV
  35. The Erebus. This was updated very recently to 1.7.10 and thus is in a beta state. I am glad to be able to have it in the pack.
  36. Twilight Forest
  37. Utility Mobs
  38. Gravestone
  39. Roguelike Dungeons
  40. Ruins

  41. Ars Magica 2. This was finally updated to 1.7.10 last week and I am glad to be able to test with it.
  42. Blood Magic
  43. Botania
  44. Forbidden Magic
  45. Thaumcraft
  46. Thaumic Tinkerer
  47. Warp Book
  48. Witchery
  49. Xth'uoth, dimension addon for ThaumcrafT

  50. EnderIO
  51. Ender Storage
  52. ExtraTIC
  53. Extra Utilities
  54. Hopper Ducts
  55. Metallurgy 4
  56. MineFactory Reloaded
  57. Random Things
  58. Redstone Paste
  59. Thermal Expansion
  60. Tinkers' Construct

  61. Magical Crops
  62. Pam's HarvestCraft
  63. Adventurer's Amulets
  64. Alchemical Bling
  65. Artifacts
  66. Legend Gear 2. This is an early beta and thus will have some bugs. Nonetheless, I am happy to test with it.
  67. More Swords
  68. The Pun Mod
  69. QuiverBow

  70. Backpacks Mod by Eydamos/MightyPork
  71. BetterStorage
  72. BiblioCraft
  73. Jabba
  74. Storage Drawers
  75. Carpenter's Blocks
  76. Chisel (Pokefenn's fork for 1.7.10)
  77. DecoCraft
  78. MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
  79. ObsidiPlates
  80. Gany's Nether
  81. Gany's End
  82. Gany's Surface
  83. Lost Books
  84. Lucky Blocks
  •  Battle Towers was left out because it was crashing on my system. I can try to ship the pack to my other computer and see if the crashes are resolved.
  • Xeno's Reliquary will be included pending an update. It is currently in alpha/beta and is very unstable.
  • Chocolate Quest will be included if it reaches a stable condition.
  • Doomlike Dungeons will not be in this pack due to Roguelike Dungeons having more polish and similar features.
  • TooMuchLoot will be included, but I do not currently have the time to edit it.
  • DungeonPack will not be in the pack. Ruins will take its place, being much more configurable.
  • The Forestry set will not be included because it will significantly extend the time it takes for completion. I intend for this pack to be a quick, but exciting, pack I can play in 6 weeks.
           This is an exploration pack with a small variety of other mods to keep it exciting. I look forward to seeing what this pack offers.

          Over the next 4 weeks I will be taking one extra class, which means I will not have as much time to test. Any free time I have will most likely go to watching videos or researching for projects. However, I will try my best to test and tweak the pack. I will update on my Twitter for minor news and post here or on FTB for major news.

One more thing: this pack will not be public at the moment. I may consider it after the pack is playable, but no promises. All motions for permission will be made AFTER the pack is playable.

Well, that's all for now. Take care, everyone!

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